Check my code and contributions at GitHub.
Please feel free to contribute or add issues!
I am a contributor and community reviewer at Conan. I help Conan and Bincrafters community to bring open-source C++ packages to developers and users.
I am a maintainer of asn1c and pstreams packages in Debian. Please report bugs and check activity on the dashboard.
Also I provided several packages to the Homebrew: snappystream, openjade, opensp, djview4, cadaver.
Tool to publish multiple key-value configs to the Consul KV. Source code is on GitHub.
A simple agent for sending custom CPU and memory metrics to Cloudwatch. Source code is on GitHub.
OmniFiles is a shortener and file storage service. I wrote a post about the architecture of OmniFiles. Source code is on GitHub.
OmniBot is a XMPP agent that lives on server and deliver local email, traffic reports, information about finished torrents etc. Source code is on GitHub.
UsbUnfreeze is a set of utilities that deal with a specific problem. My notebook is often freezed with a static shock due to bad grounding and I needed a tool to send a remote command to unfreeze suspended keyboard and touchpad. Installation and usage is described at README, source code is available on GitHub: 1, 2, 3.
LargeType is an app for Android that shows any text in a full screen. It is possible to show a chosen contact phone number or email (matching permissions required). Settings can be accessed with a menu button and could not work in modern Android without menu buttons.
Version 1.0.3, Android 2.3, apk.
Parklapse is a web service developed for a local activist group defending a green park. Source code is on GitHub.
I contributed to several open-source projects, such as Redmine, Conan, Pumpa, djview4, Jenkins, NEON, OsmAnd, AIMSICD. Some open-source projects were developed in commercial companies but then I open-sourced them. PostgreSQL and Jenkins plugins are published to standard distribution networks (PGXN and plugins repository) and freely available.
Notable projects:
PostgreSQL extension json_accessors for working with JSON data
PostgreSQL extensions parray_gin provides GIN index and operator support for arrays with partial match.
PostgreSQL extension multicdr_fdw that provides a FDW (Foreign Data Wrapper) to the well-known telecommunication CDR data format.
Redmine plugin redmine_wikipub turns redmine into customizable multi-domain environment
Redmine plugin redmine_issuepoke for reminding users about hanged issues
Redmine plugin redmine_autoclose for closing hanged issues
Redmine plugin redmine_wikifileattach allows to include dynamically updated wikipage from a file
Jenkins plugin vboxwrapper_plugin for launching slaves in VirtualBox machines
Utility ptpimg_uploader for uploading images to ptpimg image hosting